Sunday, November 24, 2013

Flex raids

Here we have more of an admission then any kind of commentary or anything like that.

Raiding has always scared the BLEEP out of me...and frankly still does.

There are several different reasons for this.

First: I should stop listening to podcasts like Convert to Raid, My Epic Heals.  Not that these are bad podcasts, in fact they are both very good, informative, and entertaining shows, but if you are someone that has any self doubt OR worry about falling prey to mechanics OR worry about putting out as much as you can, these shows and others like them can be a little daunting.  Listening to these wonderfully intelligent folks go on about...well...math, and maximum this and that can, for me, suck the joy out of Christmas.

Second: When I'm the first to die on the fourth pull, the issue is mine and mine alone.

Third:  Its a little scary when you and everyone else knows the wipe was totally your fault.

Fourth:  Um, I don't always watch the fights on you tube, read up on them, OR look at the dungeon journal.  OKAY I SAID IT!  JEEZ.

There seems to be no easy slide into raiding.  LFR, is not all that hard...and if you do fuck up, who cares.  Not that I am suggesting you go into an LFR not caring about it, but learning curve errors that we ALL experience can be hidden in all the LFR trolling that go on when a wipe does happen, or you can blame the dude next to you who is probably going to drop anyway.   The jump in difficulity level gets to me more because I fear failure, letting down the folks who have been waiting a week to raid down, and making me wonder if I am actually a good player, and should I be raiding at all...sniff.

Its on me, I know this, I understand this, and I hope that I am able to grow from this...isnt this kind of what a blog be for?

Thanks for hearing my confession.



Peace all and thanks for listening.


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