Monday, November 4, 2013

Where did "Kurly" come from, some good friends, and we still cant get past Pride!

Hello fellow WOW'ers!! 

Before I go blathering on...I want to thank anyone who's reading this!!

Anyone who has ever asked me why I call myself Kurly has heard the story of how some "weird" lady named Jessica whispered me one day offering me five gold (HOLY SHIT!!! FIVE GOLD!! ) to sign her guild charter.  Her and her boyfriend, Jeff, were starting a guild called Mana is a Myth.  I was having cyber fear over telling these people my real name and the only nick name I had ever been called was Curly-Q, so that's what I had them call me.  This would have been in the spring of 2007, and the three of us are still friends to this day!!

Although we don't see Jess as much as we used to Jeff is part of my Friday night Flex team, my biggest Tank cheerleader, chief encounter research specialist and honestly a great all-a-round guy.  He is singularly responsible for my progression and growth as a tank, and I am truly blessed that he is a friend in my life!

So the week before last our Flex raid (A combination of two small guilds from the Norgannon server) team made it to The Sha of Pride.  I was healing on my Disc. Priest, Sir Jeff was tanking on his Bear.  We'd one shot the three bosses up until the Sha of Pride and could not get the sucker down.  After about half a dozen attempts we called it quits.  In an attempt best the damn Sha we decided that I would be the off Tank, primarily since Jeff and I have communication down to a science and to allow the previous off tank to bring his uber dps.

So did we get past the Sha of Pride? NO!!!!  I think we did very well, but again, after five attempts we cant seem to get past the fourth of fifth cycle and most of the DPS get killed by adds that are popping up!  Sigh.  Next week we shall get him!!!

And yes, I am now Tanking Flex raid!  YAY ME!

Thanks for comming!!

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