Saturday, February 1, 2014

"Race" Lift?

It would seem that the accepted release date for Warlords or Draenor is sometime late Summer, or early Autumn this year, so I have anywhere from 8-10 months to catch up all my toons with the Black Prince, The Timeless Isle, Thunder Isle, professions and honor.  However the thought of all the time I have to get caught up with the the Black Prince, The Timeless Isle, Thunder Isle, professions and honor is a little daunting.

This is nothing new,and frankly is not even a surprise to me. 

People talk about Cataclysm being the worst of the WOW expansions, and I don't see that at all.  Cata afforded my the time to get in touch with my altaholic self (or was the the 8 months of unemployment?), and as well as the chance to get to learn a lot more about the basics of the game and how it was played.

I am a little bummed  that there is no apparent new race or class with WAD (and yes, I'M calling it WAD), although I understand the dilemma with introducing one of these to the game.  True with the "can be either faction" option now in effect, couldn't they have at least given us, oh, I dont know a half Draenei/half Orc race....called a Draenorc....I mean come on...they have GOT to be out there that could be either faction and any of the available classes?

I am looking forward to the new character models, and I foresee some of my existing toons getting a race lift, but that is small potatoes, I think, for a nine month wait. I will be...leveling some of my 70 (thats in number not level 70) toons, doing my best to keep my eye on the prize that is the next expansion.

What are you all doing?


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