These days apart from the Timeless Isle and LFR the majority of my time is spent in BG's. I enjoy BG's of all levels with toons at level 10 up to 90.
Unlike the static AI you find in instances and raids (static but amazing and fun) Nothing beats the "face to face" play you find in random BG's!
I avoided them like all get out until I was maybe level 40 or so (Back in '08), but soon was totally hooked, and I have to be honest and say that Battlegrounds are THE feature of WOW keeps me coming back.
If you've never done a BG before, I totally recommend!! I do understand that they are not for everybody, but I think trying everything in WOW at least once behooves (Yes, I used the word behoove!!) any player as it gives you a taste of what all the classes can do (spells, abilities, interrupts, escapes etc.) and pushes you to push your toon to its greatest level of output and pretty much forces you to learn how to use everything in your toons tool belt.
If its something you decide to stay with, be prepared to loose a lot!
There are times during BG's when my normal sweet and gentle demeanor devolves into a swearing, spitting, frothing at the mouth unsportsmanlike soccer mom, wishing nothing less then the most prolonged and painful death possible on my opposing team mates......whew....that actually felt good to get out. It kind of the truth though, but its just part of the fun! Especially for my neighbors who can see me jumping up and down on my office chair screaming "NERF ROGUES!!!!".
Lesson from above: Try to learn from your mistakes and realize that there are going to people that are just better than you and that sometimes groups of people are going to gank you.
I repeat....PVP is seriously my favorite facet of WOW.
Thanks for listening!!
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