Monday, October 7, 2013

What can be said about me, how I came to play wow, and how its become such an important part of my life?

First: I do have a name, its Mark, but for the purposes of my WOW life and Identity I prefer to go by Kurly.  Kurly comes from being called Curly-Q when I was a kid.  This was mainly because of a fear of the internet and the worry that someone could steel my identity just from my first name. It stuck however and people still call me Kurly to this day.

WOW was suggested to me from a co-worker after he and I had a lengthy conversation about the DragonLance novels.  He was an avid WOW player and said that there was a similarity between DragonLance and the races and story.

My first character was a male night elf druid names Viran.  It was on the 10 day free trial and I spent many an hour running around the Night Elf starting area having a blast, but having no real idea how the game worked.  As happend a lot back then Viran died and his "wisp" got lost looking for his body and I eventually drove it off the edge of the life tree.....Viran was, um, never seen again.  In his place I created Viranelda (His sister), and still play her to this day.....her and dare I say, many many others.

I am a bonafide, defined to the letter, altaholic. As it stands as of now I have about 70 toons over four servers and two accounts.  I tank, heal, and dps (melee and ranged).  There are two reasons for this.  One is simply due to ADD (like who doesnt have ADD these days), the other is personal investment.  WOW was one of the first hobbies I have ever had that held my interest for so long.  I want to get as much out of it as I can as well as give as much as I can, and when do most people NOT need a tank or heals? 
All of that being said I shall put on the breaks for now, I am hope to get columns out as often as I can, but at least once a week. 
Talk to you all soon!!

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