Monday, October 21, 2013

Thoughts on LFR

Raiding!  There was a super fantastic discussion on the WOW insider show about LFR, and I wanted to throw out some thoughts.

I remember back when I first started playing wow something like 8% of the overall WOW population actually participated in raids.

The number was low for a lot of reasons:  
1.  They were hard.
2. It was rumored that people who raided were, um, difficult, and expected a lot.
3. They were hard.
4. It was not always easy to figure out and learn strats.

I was asked to help a friends guild get past the first bug boss in Naxx., during the Lich King Expansion.  Being I was a fill in there was not a lot expected of me...essentially just point and shoot.  The boss mechanic was not very complicated but the politics I observed while I was there was pretty much a turn off, and the repetitive nature of raids has me bored senseless after the fourth or fifth attempt. Not to mention that I was told I was not allowed to roll on any gear. 

I know that I am not the picture of a good raider.  I don't really focus on getting any one toon up to optimum output, more often that not I rely on a friends explanation of the fight, and I really do start to zone out after each attempt. 

My experience with LFR has not been entirely positive.  I may not be the best participant but I am certainly not the worst.  There have been groups that did create an odd degree of camaraderie, and were actually fun, but on the whole they tend to be tiresome and bring out the worst in some folks.

Improving my overall contribution to LFR is something of a personal goal.  I like being a participant that knows whats going on.

Is it me or does LFR seem like five man heroics used to be?

All the best!!

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