Friday, October 25, 2013

Wimping over wiping.

I want to say that I'm a born "support" player.  My underlying goal in WOW (and in the rest of my life for that matter) is to provide assistance.  As long as there is a defined goal and someone else taking the lead I am happy as hell to do what ever I can to assist in the completion of the purpose at hand.

So why is it these days the idea of tanking a raid has me running off in a corner "Yipe, yipeing" like the proverbial bitch?

Tanking these days in five man heroics is kind of a joke.  You always have at least one DPS pulling over 100k in damage and one other poor schmuck doing just over 40k.  Heroics play more like scenarios as it is as.  All the healers have some kind of "Drop it and forget it" heal that leaves them free to add their own DPS to the mix, ending any heroic in about five minutes with barely any fuss and, as per usual, barley any conversation by the participants.

Any tank with a taunt can manage a five man herioc, even with the huge amounts of DPS going out.  By the time the target turns around to face its attacker its likely to be dead.

For some reason I tremble in my little combat boots at the thought of taking the latest raids.  I have read strats, over and over but still, all of this concern is there.

Maybe I'm over thinking, maybe I should try to not care like all the other folk in LFR.


Ill keep you posted.

Thanks for coming!!


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